Frequently Asked Questions

Dose Flip

The touchscreen requires a slight amount of pressure to use

How can I change the volume on my Dose Flip?

  • Remove the lid by unscrewing it (if it is locked, be sure to unscrew the locking screw above the screen first)
  • The screen will show “Are you refilling the pillbox”. Select “NO” at the bottom of the screen.
  • The screen will show “MED SCHEDULE”. At the bottom of the screen, press the LEFT arrow until you see a screen that says “EXTRA SETTINGS” and then press “EDIT”.
  • The screen will show “ALARM VOLUME”. Press the “+” button to increase the volume, or press the “-” button to decrease or fully turn off the volume.
  • After adjusting the volume to your desired level, replace the lid by screwing it back onto the device (if it should be locked, remember to screw back in the locking screw)

How can I snooze the medication alarm on my Dose Flip? How long will it snooze for?

When the alarm is playing during a medication time, there will be a Speaker icon in the upper right corner of the screen. If the icon is blue, you can press the icon to Snooze the alarm for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, the alarm will turn back on. 

NOTE: The alarm cannot be snoozed if there are 20 minutes or less left to take the medications. This is to help make sure medications will be taken before they are missed.

How do I change/add a medication time?

  • Remove the lid by unscrewing it (if it is locked, be sure to unscrew the locking screw above the screen first).
  • The screen will show “Are you refilling the pillbox”. Select “NO” at the bottom of the screen.
  • The screen will show “MED SCHEDULE”. Press “EDIT”
  • The screen will show “DISPENSE PILLS… X time(s) a day”. If necessary, press the “+” button to increase the number of medication times per day, or press the “-” button to decrease the number of medication times per day.
  • Once the correct number of medication times is listed on the screen, press “NEXT” at the bottom of the screen.
  • The screen will show “SET 1ST DISPENSE”. Adjust the medication time by using the “+” button to increase the time and the “-” button to decrease the time. Adjust the hour first, and press “NEXT”. Then adjust the minutes, and press “NEXT” again. If there are more medication times, the screen will show “SET 2ND DISPENSE”. Repeat these steps to adjust the second medication time. Continue this process for all of the medication times.
  • Once the final medication time has been set, press “NEXT”.
  • The screen will show “CORRECT SCHEDULE?”. If the medication schedule is not correct, press “NO” to go back and make any needed changes. If the medication schedule is correct, press “YES”.
  • The screen will ask about the color of the label in the medication tray. If the color of the label in the medication tray does not match what is on the screen, press “NO” and then follow the on screen guide. If the color does match, press “YES”.
  • The device will save the new medication schedule and then it will either return to the “MED SCHEDULE” screen or enter refilling mode. If the device returns to the “MED SCHEDULE” screen, replace the lid by screwing it back onto the device and verify the med schedule listed on the home screen of the device is correct. If the device enters refilling mode, follow the on screen guide to refill the device. Once the device has been refilled, replace the lid by screwing it back onto the device and verify the med schedule listed on the home screen of the device is correct.

What happens if my Dose Flip has a Does Not Center error?

There are three main things that could be happening.

1. The Dose Flip may be overfilled with medications.

  • Action: Check to see if the Dose Flip has any medications that are pressing against the lid.
  • If there are pills pressing against the lid, remove the lid by unscrewing it (if it is locked, be sure to unscrew the locking screw above the screen first)
  • Try repositioning the pills in the slot so the pills are no longer pressing into the lid. This will allow the tray to rotate better.
  • Replace the lid by screwing it back on. If the error is still showing after a few minutes, check the other options below.
2. The Dose Flip and medication tray may be dirty.
  • Action: Remove the lid by unscrewing it (if it is locked, be sure to unscrew the locking screw above the screen first).
  • Carefully lift the medication tray out of the device (be careful not to dump the medications out of the tray).
  • Check to see if there is anything, like powder or sticky residue, on the bottom of the medication tray or within the device where the tray sits.
  • Clean the outside of the medication tray and the interior of the device with a damp cloth or alcohol wipe. Avoid getting the screen and motor of the device wet. If liquid gets onto the screen or into the motor: Call our support line at 844-300-6212.
  • Replace the lid by screwing it back on. If the error is still showing after a few minutes, check the other options.
3. The centering switch may be broken.

      a. Action: Check to see if the tray keeps rotating without stopping. If so, the device will need to be replaced. Call our.            support line at 844-300-6212 and we will be able to help you.

If following these steps does not fix the issue, call our support line at 844-300-6212, and we will be able to help you.

Why does the medication tray on my Dose Flip keep stopping?

This could be due to a few issues:
1. The Dose Flip may be overfilled with medications
  • Action: Check to see if the Dose Flip has any medications that are pressing against the lid.
  • If there are pills pressing against the lid, remove the lid by unscrewing it (if it is locked, be sure to unscrew the locking screw above the screen first)
  • Try repositioning the pills in the slot so the pills are no longer pressing into the lid. This will allow the tray to rotate better.
  • Replace the lid by screwing it back on. If the tray is still stopping after a few minutes, check the other options below.
2. The Dose Flip and medication tray may be dirty.
  • Action: Remove the lid by unscrewing it (if it is locked, be sure to unscrew the locking screw above the screen first).
  • Carefully lift the medication tray out of the device (be careful not to dump the medications out of the tray).
  • Check to see if there is anything, like powder or sticky residue, on the bottom of the medication tray or within the device where the tray sits.
  • Clean the outside of the medication tray and the interior of the device with a damp cloth or alcohol wipe. Avoid getting the screen and motor of the device wet. If liquid gets onto the screen or into the motor: Call our support line at 844-300-6212.
  • Replace the lid by screwing it back on. If the tray is still stopping after a few minutes, check the other options.

3. The medication tray has labels/stickers/tape on the outside of it.

  • Action: Remove the lid by unscrewing it (if it is locked, be sure to unscrew the locking screw above the screen first).
  • Carefully lift the medication tray out of the device (be careful not to dump the medications out of the tray).
  • Take off the labels/stickers/tape.
  • If the medication tray is still sticky, clean the tray and device with a damp cloth or alcohol wipe. Avoid getting the screen and motor of the device wet. If liquid gets onto the screen or into the motor: Call our support line at 844-300-6212.
  • Replace the lid by screwing it back on. If the tray is still stopping after a few minutes, check the other options.

4. The Battery of the Dose Flip is low.

When the battery is low, a beep will occur every 10 minutes followed by the screen lighting up and displaying a low battery message for 20 seconds.

  • Action: Plug the device into the charging cord.
  • Check the screen of the device to make sure the battery icon in the upper right corner is green and showing the device is charging.
  • If the device is not charging, try plugging the device into a different outlet.
  • If that does not work, try plugging the device into a different charging cord, if you have a second one.

If the tray is still stopping after following these steps, call our support line at 844-300-6212, and we will be able to help you.

What happens when I unplug my Dose Flip?

The Dose Flip will start to run on battery power. The device will enter “Sleep Mode” to conserve battery life. The screen will go to sleep, but the Dose Flip will continue to remind you when it is time to take your pills.

NOTE: The Dose Flip has a built-in safety feature that prevents it from automatically opening while in “Sleep Mode”. Instead, at the medication time the device will ask you to press “Dispense” on the screen. After pressing “Dispense” the device will open to the correct compartment and begin flashing light/sounding the alarm until the device is flipped and the medications have been taken.

How will I know if the Dose Flip battery is low?

When the battery is low, a beep will sound every 10 minutes followed by the screen lighting up and displaying a low battery message for 20 seconds. During these 20 seconds, you will have the option to snooze the low battery alarm for two hours by pressing the “SNOOZE” button.

What happens when the Dose Flip battery runs out?

The Dose Flip will no longer dispense the medications, but your settings will be saved. As soon as the device is plugged back in, it will begin charging and will be ready to use again.

How often does the Dose Flip need to be filled?

This depends on the number of medication times that are set up on the Dose Flip. The Dose Flip can be set for up to 4 medication times per day, and it has 14 spaces for medications in a single tray. 

If medications are taken 1 time per day, the device will need to be filled every two weeks. 

If medications are taken 2 times per day, the device will need to be filled every week. 

If medications are taken 3 times per day, the device will need to be filled every 4.5 days. 

If medications are taken 4 times per day, the device will need to be filled every 3.5 days. 

For ease of use, we suggest that more than one Dose Flip be used for medication schedules where medications are taken more than 2 times per day. With multiple Dose Flips, each Dose Flip can be set for up to 2 medication times per day, which means the devices will only have to be filled every week at most.

For example, someone who takes medications 4 times per day would have one Dose Flip set up for 2 of their medication times and a second Dose Flip would be set up for their other 2 medication times. Each Dose Flip would need to be filled every week.

How can I prevent someone from accessing the medications in the Dose Flip?

Each Dose Flip comes with a special key (torx wrench) and security screw that can be used to prevent the lid from being removed. 

The Dose Flip also records data about tampering (e.g. lid taken off, flipped over, etc.). So if someone does gain access to the medications, it can be seen in the device’s history, or generate a notification to the specified party.

What happens if my Dose Flip has a RTC error?

The device will need to be replaced. Call our support line at 844-300-6212, and we will be able to help you.
NOTE: As long as the Dose Flip remains plugged in and does not run out of battery, it will still work, even with the RTC error.

How can I restart my Dose Flip if it is locked?

  • Make sure the device is plugged in.
  • On the main “MED SCHEDULE” screen of the device, press the LEFT arrow at the bottom of the screen until you see a screen that says “SETTINGS”.
  • Press and hold the top left corner of the screen for 5-10 seconds until the screen says “Restarting”.
  • The screen will turn off for a few seconds, and then it will turn back on automatically.

NOTE: If the device needs to be restarted, but the screen is white, follow these steps instead.

  • Make sure the device is plugged in.
  • Press the bottom left corner of the screen once and release. A beep should sound.
  • After the beep, press and hold the top left corner of the screen for 5-10 seconds until the screen turns black.
  • The screen will turn off for a few seconds, and then it will turn back on automatically.
  • If the screen does not return to normal, call our support line at 844-300-6212, and we will be able to help you.

Why is does my Dose Flip constantly say Starting Up?

If the screen keeps showing “Restarting” or “Starting Up” follow these steps.

  • Unplug the Dose Flip from the charging cord.
  • Remove the lid by unscrewing it (if it is locked, be sure to unscrew the locking screw above the screen first).
  • For the next step, you will not be touching the screen, so ignore the message asking “Are you refilling the pillbox”
  • Off of the left side of the screen, there are two buttons. Push and hold the bottom (larger) button for 5-10 seconds until the screen turns black. This will turn off the device.
  • Once the Dose Flip is turned off, plug the device back into the charging cord. This will turn the device back on.

If these steps did not fix the issue, call our support line at 844-300-6212, and we will be able to help you.

Why is my Dose Flip not turning on?

  • Check to see if the Dose Flip is plugged into the charging cord and wall outlet all the way.
  • If it is plugged in and the screen is still black, try plugging the device into a different outlet.
  • If that does not work, try plugging the device into a different charging cord, if you have a second one.
  • If the device still does not turn on after trying different outlets and different charging cords, call our support line at 844-300-6212, and we will be able to help you.

Why is the screen on my Dose Flip white?

This is usually caused by a power surge. To fix the issue, the device needs to be restarted.

  • Unplug the Dose Flip from the charging cord
  • Remove the lid by unscrewing it (if it is locked, be sure to unscrew the locking screw above the screen first).
  • Off of the left side of the screen, there are two buttons. Push and hold the bottom (larger) button for 5-10 seconds until the screen turns black. This will turn off the device.
  • Once the Dose Flip is turned off, plug the device back into the charging cord. This will turn the device back on.

NOTE: If the device is locked, and you are unable to unlock it see“How can I restart my Dose Flip if it is locked?”
If following these steps does not fix the issue, call our support line at 844-300-6212, and we will be able to help you.

Dose Flip Extra Features

The touchscreen requires a slight amount of pressure to use

How do I access extra settings?

  • Remove the lid by unscrewing it (if it is locked, be sure to unscrew the locking screw above the screen first).
  • The screen will show “Are you refilling the pillbox”. Select “NO” at the bottom of the screen.
  • The screen will show “MED SCHEDULE”. At the bottom of the screen, press the LEFT arrow until you see a screen that says “EXTRA SETTINGS” and then press “EDIT”.

What if I want to take my medications early?

The Dose Flip has an “Early Dispense” feature. To turn this feature on, follow these steps.

  • Remove the lid by unscrewing it (if it is locked, be sure to unscrew the locking screw above the screen first).
  • The screen will show “Are you refilling the pillbox”. Select “NO” at the bottom of the screen.
  • The screen will show “MED SCHEDULE”. At the bottom of the screen, press the LEFT arrow until you see a screen that says “EXTRA SETTINGS” and then press “EDIT”.
  • The screen will show “ALARM VOLUME”. At the bottom of the screen, press the RIGHT arrow until you see a screen that says “EARLY DISPENSE” and then press “ON”.
  • Replace the lid by screwing it back onto the device (if it should be locked, remember to screw back in the locking screw).

NOTE: To turn “Early Dispense” off, follow the above steps and press “OFF” on the “EARLY DISPENSE” screen.

What if I want to take my medications after the 2 hour window?

The Dose Flip has a “Late Dispense” feature. To turn this feature on, follow these steps.

  • Remove the lid by unscrewing it (if it is locked, be sure to unscrew the locking screw above the screen first).
  • The screen will show “Are you refilling the pillbox”. Select “NO” at the bottom of the screen.
  • The screen will show “MED SCHEDULE”. At the bottom of the screen, press the LEFT arrow until you see a screen that says “EXTRA SETTINGS” and then press “EDIT”
  • The screen will show “ALARM VOLUME”. At the bottom of the screen, press the RIGHT arrow until you see a screen that says “LATE DISPENSE” and then press “ON”.
  • Replace the lid by screwing it back onto the device (if it should be locked, remember to screw back in the locking screw).

NOTE: To turn “Late Dispense” off, follow the above steps and press “OFF” on the “LATE DISPENSE” screen.

What if I want to pause my Dose Flip?

The Dose Flip has a “Pause” feature. When the Dose Flip is paused, the device will not open at the scheduled med time(s). To Pause the Dose Flip, follow these steps:

  • Remove the lid by unscrewing it (if it is locked, be sure to unscrew the locking screw above the screen first).
  • The screen will show “Are you refilling the pillbox”. Select “NO” at the bottom of the screen.
  • The screen will show “MED SCHEDULE”. At the bottom of the screen, press the LEFT arrow until you see a screen that says “EXTRA SETTINGS” and then press “EDIT”.
  • The screen will show “ALARM VOLUME”. At the bottom of the screen, press the RIGHT arrow until you see a screen that says “PAUSE PILLBOX” and then press “ON”.
  • Replace the lid by screwing it back onto the device (if it should be locked, remember to screw back in the locking screw).

NOTE: To turn “Pause” off, follow the above steps and press “OFF” on the “PAUSE PILLBOX” screen.
The device can also be paused online if you have access to the dashboard. You can also call us at 844-300-6212 and we can help you out.

Can I set my Dose Flip up so that it does not open automatically?

Yes. The Dose Flip has a Manual Mode when turned on, the Dose Flip will not automatically open at the scheduled med time(s). Instead, at the med time, the screen will say, “Press DISPENSE below to take your medications.” The device will open once the “DISPENSE” button at the bottom of the screen is pressed.

To turn this feature on, follow these steps:

  • Remove the lid by unscrewing it (if it is locked, be sure to unscrew the locking screw above the screen first).
  • The screen will show “Are you refilling the pillbox”. Select “NO” at the bottom of the screen.
  • The screen will show “MED SCHEDULE”. At the bottom of the screen, press the LEFT arrow until you see a screen that says “EXTRA SETTINGS” and then press “EDIT”.
  • The screen will show “ALARM VOLUME”. At the bottom of the screen, press the RIGHT arrow until you see a screen that says “MANUAL MODE” and then press “ON”.
  • Replace the lid by screwing it back onto the device (if it should be locked, remember to screw back in the locking screw).

Can I use my Dose Flip for as needed, PRN meds?

Yes. The Dose Flip has an As Needed Mode. To turn this on, follow these steps.

  • Remove the lid by unscrewing it (if it is locked, be sure to unscrew the locking screw above the screen first).
  • The screen will show “Are you refilling the pillbox”. Select “NO” at the bottom of the screen.
  • The screen will show “MED SCHEDULE”. At the bottom of the screen, press the LEFT arrow until you see a screen that says “EXTRA SETTINGS” and then press “EDIT”.
  • The screen will show “ALARM VOLUME”. At the bottom of the screen, press the RIGHT arrow until you see a screen that says “AS NEEDED” and then press “START”.
  • Follow the on screen instructions to set up As Needed Mode.
  • Replace the lid by screwing it back onto the device (if it should be locked, remember to screw back in the locking screw).


What should I do once I get my Dose PERS pendant?

When you receive your pendant:

  • Plug in the charging cradle and place the PERS into the cradle. The pendant will vibrate and state “Charging.”
  • Charge the pendant for 2-3 hours. The red battery light will flash every 5 seconds while the pendant is charging.
  • Once the pendant is fully charged the red light will be solid, indicating that the battery is full.
  • The PERS will state, “Your device is now active. Please press your button,” once activation is complete.
  • Press the call button to test your Dose PERS 

How can I make a call with my pendant

Press the button until the light turns a solid blue. This will then connect you to a specialist on the other end. Interpreter services are used when needed.

How can I update my account information?

To update your account information, call out Support line at 844-300-6212 and we will be able to update your information for you.

How long will the battery last?

The Dose PERS has a rechargeable battery that lasts up to 30 days between charging.

How will I know when the battery is low on my Dose PERS pendant?

You can call our support line at 844-300-6212 to set yourself or a caregiver up to receive a phone call or text message with a low battery alert. The red battery light will flash every 1 second after a call when the battery is low.

How long should I charge the battery before the Dose PERS is fully charged?

You should charge the battery for 3 hours in order to have the battery last for 30 days between charging. The red flashing light will turn solid red when the pendant is fully charged.

How do I know that my Dose PERS pendant is working?

When the Dose PERS pendant is on and working normally, the blue call light will flash every 5 seconds after a call until the pendant goes into standby mode.

What happens if I accidentally press the button?

If you accidentally press the button and don’t need help, just let the specialist know that it was an accident and that you don’t need help at this moment.

Will Dose PERS interfere with my medical equipment?

If you have a pacemaker, review your pacemaker materials regarding interaction with cell phones, and take the same precautions with this device.

Can I wear my Dose PERS in the shower?

Yes, your Dose PERS is water-resistant but should not be submerged. The PERS should be towel-dried after exposure to water.

Dose PERS+

What should I do once I get my Dose PERS+ pendant?

When you receive your pendant:

  • Plug in the charging cradle and place the PERS+ into the cradle. The pendant will vibrate and state “Charging.”
  • Charge the pendant for 2-3 hours. The red battery light will flash every 5 seconds while the pendant is charging.
  • Once the pendant is fully charged the red light will be solid, indicating that the battery is full.
  • The PERS+ will state, “Your device is now active. Please press your button,” once activation is complete.
  • Press the call button to test your Dose PERS+ 

How do I attach the belt clip to the PERS?

  • Remove the lanyard by pressing up on the lanyard clasp where it connects to the back of the device
  • Align the belt clip with the connection point at the back of the PERS device and click into place

How do I know if the fall detection is on?

  • Hold the Dose PERS+ above eye level in one hand and drop it into the palm of the other hand at waist level.
  • When a fall is detected, Dose PERS+ states, “Fall detected. Press the call button to cancel.”

How do I cancel a fall notification?

  • You can cancel a fall notification by pressing the call button within 12 seconds of the pendant stating “Fall detected”.
  • Once the fall detection has been cancelled you should hear your pendant say, “Fall detection canceled.” If the fall detection couldn't be cancelled, you will hear tones or ringing and then a voice message.

How can I turn on/off fall detection on my pendant?

You can cancel a fall notification by pressing the call button within 12 seconds of the pendant stating “Fall detected”.

How can I make a call with my pendant?

Press the button until the light turns a solid blue. This will then connect you to a specialist on the other end. Interpreter services are used when needed.

How long will the battery last?

The Dose PERS+ has a rechargeable battery that lasts up to 7 days between charging.

Will I be notified when I have to recharge my Dose PERS+ pendant?

You can call our support line at 844-300-6212 to set yourself or a caregiver up to receive a phone call or text message with a low battery alert.  The red battery light will flash every 1 second after a call when the battery is low.

How can I update my emergency contacts or account information?

To update your account information, call out Support line at 844-300-6212 and we will be able to update your information for you.

Will Dose PERS+ interfere with my medical equipment?

If you have a pacemaker, review your pacemaker materials regarding interaction with cell phones, and take the same precautions with this device.

Can I wear my Dose PERS+ in the shower?

Yes, Dose PERS+ is water-resistant but should not be submerged. The PERS+ should be towel-dried after exposure to water.

Requesting &
Discontinuing Services

How can I request services?

The quickest way to request services is to fill out our online referral form
You can also contact us at 844-300-6212 or

How do I know which service to request?

Information about the different services we offer can be found at 
If it is unclear which service will be the best option, contact us directly at 844-300-6212 or email

What forms of payment do you accept?

Dose Health is an approved service provider for Medicaid Waiver Service Programs in the following states: Idaho, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Utah, Wisconsin.

For other insurance carriers like Medicare, VA, and commercial insurance, please contact your insurance company directly for coverage information. You may need a detailed doctor's prescription or order to be approved for services. Out of pocket is also accepted for private pay. 

For Private Pay, we accept credit and debit cards as well as checks. To set up recurring payments visit To set up invoicing, please call us at 844-300-6212.

How can I cancel services?

Services can be canceled at any time. If you would like to cancel services with us, please call us at 844-300-6212 or email us

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PERS Lanyard & Belt Clip
Adjusting Alarm Volume
Early & Late Dispense
Restarting Device
Low Battery
Pause Device
Snoozing Alarm
Sleep Mode
Extra Settings
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